Pausing on aggressive oil investments for now

Approximately 60% of my capital is invested in O&G sector, and 30% in Silver. With that said, I feel that I’ve allocated enough in the O&G for now; I’m not going to chase, but will continue to buy the dips. Oil equities rally significantly in Nov and Dec, so I’ll be watching on how this sector recovers in 2021.

Currently, I’m holding #TXP, #UOG #PTAL and #FEC in the O&G sector. I think #PTAL and #UOG will catch up in 2021, while #TXP and #FEC will continue to rise. It will be a bumpy recovery in my opinion.

Meanwhile, I’ll be working my 9-5 job and saving cash. I want to look at private investments in start ups in the years ahead for personal interest and diversification.

Working 9-5 isn’t my thing as it’s boring as f**k. I would say 50% of the time I’m dealing with politics and corporate agendas which I have no interest in. I would love to share my thoughts with my peers and coach my staff, but to survive in the corporate world, you have to play the game and never share your personal agenda or opinion.

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