
Back to Blogging 11/6/2021

I have been quiet for some time due to personal reasons, but I haven’t stopped buying in the market. Moving around during the pandemic sure is fun, but the pain of moving is excruciating. Currently I’m living beautiful British Columbia. New Home in Vancouver Investment Update But just a quick
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FEC refinances bonds at a lower rate and it’s implications

FEC will be issuing $400 million in senior unsecured notes due 2028 at a coupon rate of 7.875% and buying back their $350 million worth of 2023 9.70% senior secured notes at 104.95% premium. This indicates a 1.825% difference in interest payments. I believe there will be associated costs to

Frontera Energy Q1 2021 thoughts

Frontera, despite reporting a loss in Q1 2021, if you read closely in MD&A and Financial statement, you’d notice that they have a lot of income generated from its midstream asset – $19 million USD in Q1. This is not part of OPERATING EBITDA. source: https://www.fronteraenergy.ca/content/uploads/2021/05/Frontera-FS-Notes-Q1-2021.pdf source: https://www.fronteraenergy.ca/content/uploads/2021/05/FEC-MDA-Q1-21.pdf ODL Share

FEC Cont’d

FEC is getting very close on acquiring CGX Energy now that they’ve established a 19 million dollar loan deal with CGX Energy. FEC will have the option to convert the loan into shares, which represents “9.28% of the currently issued and outstanding common shares of CGX.” If FEC decides to

My Conviction Bets: TXP, PTAL, UOG, FEC, let’s start with FEC

Frontera Energy (FEC) Buybacks – Approximately 10% of float Frontera believes that, from time to time, the market price of its Common Shares may not fully reflect the underlying value of its business and future prospects and financial position This will keep FEC’s share prices up, used for future strategic
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